Why I Developed a Quick, Easy and Fun Money Management App
by Rahul Kaushik
Does managing your finances take up a lot of your valuable time?
Do you spend ages recording your income and outgoings to ensure you stay on track with your budget and financial goals?
Do your finances seem complicated because you hold a lot of accounts and insurance policies at different institutions?
Have you started to avoid looking at your finances because you worry that your overall financial situation might be worse than it appears?
If you’re like the majority of the 1,100 people we interviewed, you use Excel spreadsheets to manage your money. However, you probably don’t update these spreadsheets as often as you’d like because, as you know, downloading and organizing data from different sources is a cumbersome process.
How I Used to Manage My Finances
I went from the simplicity of a single checking account in a one-person household to the complexity of several bank accounts, credit cards, insurance policies, investment accounts, contracts with telecom providers, etc, in a four-person, single-income household.
As a family, we’d agreed to stick to a budget, but it became very time-consuming to put all the bank cards, credit cards and other accounts in one place to find out whether we were on track.
At the time, I thought this was my problem and my problem alone. I thought I needed to learn to manage the workflow better.
At certain times, I even thought this issue was normal and not worth investing in any further.
But, once I started talking about this issue with my friends, I found that many of them faced similar challenges.
How I Developed an App that Made Managing My Finances Quick and Easy
In this day and age, when companies put together so many datasets about me to provide me with meaningful material, why wasn’t it possible to put all my financial data in one place so that I could extract meaningful insights on how to manage my spending and saving?
So, I started wondering if there was a way of importing all my data from all my accounts into my banking app, so that I would get a 360˚view of all my finances in one app and a daily update on the current state of my finances.
That was how I was inspired to develop GOKONG, an app that brings all your finances together under one roof.
An app that downloads, cleans and aligns all your financial data from all sources in just a few seconds.
An app that allows you to keep track of the current state of your finances on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis.
An app that is secure because it is read only and your personal details never leave your iPhone.
Gain True Insights from Your Financial Data
Now that you don’t have to go through the tedious and time-consuming process of pulling together all your financial data, you can gain true insights from that data.
You can find out whether your spending and your family’s spending is below or above budget.
You can track your progress towards your financial goals in real time.
You can decide whether you can afford to make that purchase based on your expected outgoings for the rest of the month.
See Magic Happen as You Use GOKONG
In recent years, what we’ve seen is that when you put things together … magic happens! We’ve all experienced the magic of having boarding passes appear as if by magic when the boarding pass data talks with the GPS data.
The magic of data aggregation is that it can give you insights that you’ve never noticed before, either when you didn’t have the time to manage your finances properly or when you updated your spreadsheets every so often.
When you use GOKONG, you’ll find that magic happens, too. Actionable insights will appear as if by magic, advising you on whether your current financial decision is in line with your budget and your goals.
Wouldn’t you love to know if buying just this one extra item would make it difficult or impossible to meet all your financial obligations within the next month?
Wouldn’t it be great to know how much flexibility you have at any given moment to make financial decisions that will affect your long-term financial goals?
In an age when a lot of companies make use of your personal data for their own ends, it’s time to take back control of your financial data and make it work for you.
Take Back Control of Your Financial Data
At GOKONG, we believe that you own your data and you should be empowered to make the most of it!
GOKONG brings all your assets under one umbrella. This includes both your bankable assets from as many different accounts as you have, and non-bankable assets, such as jewellery and other valuable items.
Therefore, GOKONG is personalized, intimate and relevant to you.
Save Time and Gain Valuable Insights with GOKONG
Users of GOKONG have been blown away by how quick and easy it is — not only to keep track of all their finances on a day-to-day basis — but also to derive insights that allow them to make wise financial decisions on the spot.
GOKONG uses clear graphics in bright colors to show your current financial situation at a glance. It is more interesting and engaging than most internet banking and financial apps.
So, why not see how GOKONG could help you save time and manage your finances more effectively? Download the free GOKONG app today. Please let me know what you think in the comments.